My Favorite Places/Things in New Orleans
Instead of following the Dawgs this weekend to Jacksonville, I am taking a trip with my boyfriend down to my favorite place, New Orleans. Growing up, I spent half of my summers in this area of Louisiana. With it being my boyfriend's first time in New Orleans, I have laid out all of the must-see locations and experiences. Often, my friends ask me where they should go and what they should do when going to New Orleans as well. Even though there are many lists like this online I figured I would give mine. Here are the "must-do"/"must see" things when going to New Orleans. 1) Bourbon Street I just want to start with this to get it out of the way. Bourbon street is a magical place that smells like beer and puke. While the smell is horrible, it can be a fun place to explore. It is one of the most tourist-y places and is line with stores that each have the same cheap t-shirts and shot glasses inside. I have been many years and the content is the same each time. Howev...